Becoming a Friend of Tandem means that you can support our work without the commitment of being a trustee, whilst also meeting like-minded people and hopefully having some fun!
As a Friend of Tandem you'll be able to stay in touch with our activities and attend our events. Alongside other Friends, you will decide how to best support Tandem which could be in a number of ways:
Help to raise additional funds e.g. through coffee mornings, cake stalls, barn dances, musical, art, sports or other creative events like a ‘mental health’ book club;
Increase awareness of Tandem by spreading the word amongst other people and organisations;
Share ideas with Tandem e.g. about where to recruit volunteer befrienders or organisations to approach for funding;
Provide us with useful contacts who can help us develop our service;
Come along to our events
This list is just some of the ideas that our Friends have come up with so far and no doubt there will be many other interesting and innovative activities in the future.
We need core members to organise events as well as a wider membership to provide occasional support with activities arranged by the Friends group.